In 2022, four doctors undertook the second year of the Master of Medicine in Dermatology and a fifth doctor from Fiji completed the Diploma in Dermatology.

In country supervision for students was provided by Dr Tuicakau from Fiji and Dr Yi from Korea. Dr Raymond from Australia supported online videoconferencing, with lectures also given by a leprologist from the Philippines.

In addition, the Pacific Dermatology Training Centre was able to provide phototherapy for treatment of severe psoriasis after Australian nurses provided the necessary training.

In 2023 we aim to run the postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology for three doctors – from Tuvalu, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The four Masters candidates will continue their training and undertake final exams at the end of 2023. In 2024, Masters students will be working in Fiji and coming to Australia for a semester of education. As COVID19 restrictions decrease, we expect more in country visits of Australian and foreign dermatologists to Fiji.

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